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Thursday, January 22, 2009

The new BarackBerry!

I knew, somehow, he would get his way on this one. It simply makes sense in our tech world for him to have it. Blackberry should have a heyday with this one. It's time to buy stock in this firm. With such a historic and respected user of their technology who is an admitted self professed Blackberry addict, this should bring a huge boost to their system for those who are going to make the jump into smartphone technology.

With all of the technology that we put into our military that can see, hear, and pinpoint a person down to the inch anywhere, anytime, on the planet we should be able to find a way for the President to have a secure phone.

It seems that the National Security Agency has approved a new $3,350 smartphone to be dubbed the "Barackberry". There is a licensing deal for Obama that he could have gone to town with. But, once taking office you are not supposed to capitalize on the position while in office. (Someone needed to tell Bush and team that one as they have pilfered billions away with no accountability) It will be a secure system and allow him to stay in touch with the world at his fingertips.

This kind of technology should be used by the President. There is a continual trail of record of who, what, where, why, and how through the messages that can be stored on a secured server. It allows more transparency to the office due to the record trail. He is not shut off to the world and stuck to living in a "bubble" type environment of seclusion to which he is only fed information from those select few people around him.

So, for this 44th President, and 43rd American to be sworn in to the office he will be "in touch" with his family, cabinet, policy makers at all times. Something I feel that is necessary with this administration and the current state of affairs. He will also be privy to when and where the next pick up basketball game is going to be...

This will be the next evolution for the wealthy throughout the world is to have a secure smartphone. Perhaps in today's new world that Bush created that allows anyone to be listened to without warrant, it will be a big seller.

Now that Bush is out of office, perhaps Blackberry will use him in their commercials and advertising campaigns touting that you can rest assured that you will not be listened to using this phone system...

NOTE: Although, Barack Obama stated in his speech that he was the 44th American to be sworn in to the Oval Office, he in fact is the 43rd American sworn in as President. Grover Cleveland served two NON consecutive terms, as 22nd and 24th presidencies.

This, the 245th entry in bloggoland! Thanks for reading and coming back. I always enjoy the comments, emails and the banter!!

(c)Copyright 2009 Doug Boggs

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