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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Audacity to Cope...

There's a feeling in the air, one that is being discussed over coffee and the water cooler throughout the nation, of the optimism and hope that people are beginning to experience as we approach the inauguration of Barack Obama on January 20, 2009.

The historic event of this new Presidency, is coming at which there could be no better time, for a man who has the confidence, the knowledge, the intelligence and the character to which Obama seems to possess.

The movement began on the national stage back in 2004, at his(Obama) DNC speech that was requested by John Kerry for that Presidential campaign. The energy that he created that evening, or shall I say has carried with him throughout, he brought forward to the national stage that evening. He was no longer the community activist. He was no longer the state legislator. He was no longer the Senator. He had become the next President of the United States. His clock began. His door opened. David Axelrod stated that he saw the change in Barack that night. David quipped that he said to himself that Barack's life will never be the same again.

The 2004 18 min. speech is herein to enjoy the retrospection-

Then Bush remained in office. The continued turmoil throughout the world increased while Bush continued to turn his back and not address root core issues, but rather selfishly sidestep or avoid the global major issues at hand. The deep global failures of the administration continue to this day.

However, daily, there becomes a more good riddence - see you in court - kind of sendoff the country was beginning to profess. Then, Nov. 5, 2008, will become known as the day of this countries rebirth. The day of resurrection to its original ideals. A new dawn.

President Elect Victory Speech 2008

It's less than two weeks before we are done hiding behind the Bush. We have elected a new hope. One that is going to step out from the bush and into the highest political position on the planet with new ideas, new courage, and new vision.

The world is waiting with bated breath...the optimism that is being generated during this global meltdown shows us, that our country, once again has found a reason to possess the audacity to cope.

This, the 234th entry in bloggoland! Thanks for reading and coming back. I always enjoy the comments, emails and the banter!!

(c)Copyright 2009 Doug Boggs

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