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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Don't breathe any more, Ann Coulter, please.

My god, Ann Coulter, is a piece of work. I must say, I don't read her books or columns and rarely am able to complete watching an interview with her. My question is, is she for real? Are her antics and commentary an act to fill a void for a female Rush Limbaugh or is this woman actually for real?!

My other question is, why did Harry have to ask her to breathe...she can do without that breathing stuff!

If you are unfamiliar with Ann Coulter, she is a white, conservative, racist, social commentary for the extreme right wing faction of the country. Since she, unlike Rush Limbaugh, has not been caught with large amounts of drugs, we can only assume that what she spouts is for real. Or, at least, she has perfected the character that she exudes and perhaps is more human in private? I doubt it. Although, she claims in her most recent interview with Harry Smith, of the CBS "The Early Show", that she is a satirist. I guess I am unable to get the jokes. Perhaps, because the jokes are in-line with those similar to the RNC(Republican National Committee) video that circulated about Obama called "Barack the Magic Negro". They claimed that is just a joke also. Uneducated, racial,'s a joke, so don't sue me for everything I have...right.

The inherent racist remarks that try to be passed as jokes simply continue the deep seated, uneducated racism that exists in this country. Primarily housed within the right winged Republican party, these commentaries and speakers of this faction of our society are using the freedom of speech to spout their waste, all the while their current leader has spent much time while in office taking away much of that right of the commoner's voice.

As I said, I don't listen to her, I don't read her, never want to and never will give her any of my hard earned dollars. I don't follow one who claims intelligence of any topic while spewing wasted words through elementary or at most sophomoric ideas.

As much as I don't want to, but feel necessary to include for validation of my point to you, if you are interested in listening to her interview it is herein.

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This, the 233rd entry in bloggoland! Thanks for reading and coming back. I always enjoy the comments, emails and the banter!!

(c)Copyright 2009 Doug Boggs

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