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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Visualize Success

Imagine yourself successful and always picture yourself successful. Visualize the person you desire to be. Visualize things in the present. Set aside some time each day to be alone and uninterrupted so that you can get comfortable and relax. Close your eyes and begin to concentrate on your goals and desires. Relax. Breath. See yourself in the new environment, capable and self confident.

Use your past successes to reflect on. Whether they be large or small successes it is proof that you are capable of reaching and achieving more success. Celebrate your successes. Find a gesture or a move ( a power move) that you do when you are successful. Jump, cheer, scream, clap, whatever it may be, but celebrate your life and its successes. Celebrate each success and you will be able to recall these when you begin to lose faith in yourself.

Set definite goals. Have a clear direction of where you want to go with your life. Be aware when you begin to deviate from these goals and take immediate action to correct you to your path.

Live life positively. Respond to life positively. Find your happy place. Develop a positive self image. This is your image. Your image and reactions to your life and decisions are completely within your control. If you do not like how you are feeling, change that feeling. You choose to be happy!

Go out an make it a great day.

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