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Monday, August 4, 2008

and nothing but the truth...

There is an unknown line that people know exists in order to reach, rich. That is, that it is a relative term, rich. In regards to the monetary definition it takes a bit more today than it used to twenty years ago. Back then, rich might have meant a few hundred million or so. But takes a billion or more. There are over 1000 known ( I will add) billionaires in the world. This elite group of people keep getting richer and richer...exponentially.

Oh, by the by, I think minimum wage increased recently after about ten years.

If aliens were to show up here, with their advanced minds, and technologies and see the means of living with global business and commerce would they find our capitalistic means of opportunity (or control) good? Would they see that this fair, NOT, and balanced, NOT, process of economics appropriate for the long term survival of our species? As a global community it has come to that phrase.

Are what we doing and the road we are all traveling in this global community feesible to sustain ourselves as a specie? For how long? Do we continue despite the fact that our actions will create timetables for not only our survival as a specie, but perhaps the survival of the planet as well?

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