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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Words of Sun Tzu, or Bush...Sun Tzu, or Bush...

"The Art of War", considered one of the greatest books ever written, was written 2,300 years ago by Sun Tzu, a great Chinese military genius, during the era (476 to 221 B.C.). During this time there were a few hundred wars (equal to 150 years of World War II) fought non-stop between the separate warring states of China. At this time, it is clear, that war was done by the primary means of men on the ground. Thousands and thousands of lives were lost during these violent, face to face, hand to hand battles.

The difference today doesn't seem to be much. The United States has a policy to think that our technological defense weapons are all it takes to win wars. If this were the case we would be done and complete in Iraq, and Afghanistan, or what about Vietnam. Strategy, is what wins wars. Due to the fact that our current Administration had none when going into this situation except revenging "daddy's attempted assasin", we are now left with our young men and women running around wondering why they are there. Why are they being called back for the fifth and sixth time. This is exemplified daily at the end of MSNBC News program "Countdown with Keith Olbermann", "...this is now the 1078th (or whatever) day after the declaration of victory in Iraq!" And the saga continues.

In the (translated) words of Sun Tzu:
Using a huge army in battle makes success very expensive
Long delays create a dull army and sharp defeats.
Attacking enemy cities drains your forces.
Long, violent campaigns that exhaust the nation's resources are wrong.

Manage a dull army and you will suffer sharp defeats.
Drain your forces and your money will be used up.
Your rivals will multiply as your army collapses and they will begin against you.
It doesn't matter how smart you are, you cannot get ahead by taking losses.

You hear of people going to war too quickly, still, you won't see a skilled war that lasts a long time. You can fight a war for a long time, or you can make a nation strong, you cannot do both!


I reflect on these words from his second chapter. Profound thoughts of Sun Tzu's time that are in direct relation to today. We have found ourselves in a "quagmire" to use their own words. Such a throwback to the 60's. Can our leaders ever learn from history and their mistakes? The same people that helped run the Vietnam war (Rumsfeld and Cheney) have done the same thing all over again. Only this time they have the Bush family juggernaut behind them. Money is the forefront of this war. As the times have changed since the sixties, the money is more focused to a handful of participants and a small global group of white men.

Perhaps they should read Sun Tzu's book. It's pretty clear to me, and it's only in chapter two. One could get to it in a few minutes. and save us all a lot of shit!

I know, though, that when I watch Keith Olbermann on Monday, another day will be added to his tag line and more lives will be lost for naught.

Take a listen to this most recent turn of events from the Keith Olbermann Countdown!

I love this guy!!


Anonymous said...

Right On, Boggs!

Anonymous said...

The words of Sun Tzu are so modern but then words that actually mean something are timeless in themselves and will always stand strong no matter what period we are in. The war in Iraq is definitely not a 'skilled' war. Where is the plan? Was there ever a strategy? Only bush knows and we all know he can't articulate worth anything. Good entry; I like it.