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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

All in the mind?

I have discussed previously various books that relate to today's topic. There is much power in all of these books as to defining our relation with our life. Having all of this information is supposed to make things run smoother...perhaps if you have the keys to the car it will run...but you must put the keys into the ignition and turn the switch for things to work correctly...

Let's begin with Napolean Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich". This book expresses the energetic of positive thought. Not just positive thought, but that thought also backed by true belief. This is where the power lies. If one is to believe that something in one's life is to be they must feel it in their core. Be able to see one's self having already experienced what one is believing to be true and knowing what that feels like to one's own core upon completion. Feeling it, tasting it, smelling it, touching it, being it...

In more simple terms, we create what happens in our lives whether we like it or not. So, as we enter into times of turmoil, we manifested this turmoil through various means of action, interaction, and non-action. In order to break the turmoil one must recognize that one does not need this any longer. Let's say, we have found the pearl to which life was to show us through this turmoil and we can now move on...please...

In so, if it takes just as much energy to have a happy life as it does to have a crap experience, then why not focus on only good. As there is good in everything, this is a doable concept. Leave the negative out.

When you begin to have feeling of something that you do not like or makes your stomach feel not right, this is a good sign that your body is telling you to think differently. Change your thoughts to something good and let the other negative thoughts go.

"The Secret" is another book, taken directly from the Napolean Hill book. The concepts are nothing new in this regard. But, it puts things in different terms for different readers. This book was expressed on "Oprah" numerous times to which she expressed to her audience that she was living this. Hey, if it works for Oprah...

There is also a book called "Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets" by Bill Bonner. Part of the concept of this book explains how this same concept of self realization can get caught up and become huge fast due to the volume of people thinking and feeling the same things. Hence, the world can experience a Hitler, and Bush, just as a Ghandi and Martin Luther King. What we do with our information at the time is where this can go as a society. We manifest our life!

"Creative Visualization" is another book that takes these concepts and helps one find ways to make things happen into their daily lives. Through prayer, meditation, or yoga, and other means to silencing the exterior world and connecting to the power of ourselves.

"The Law of Attraction" is another book that helps one learn the process to creating what you want in your life. This works for love, happiness, money or anything. We have the power inside ourselves to make the life we live exactly what we want to experience.

In fact, what we experience happens whether we know this or not. The law of attraction is there whether we know it and follow it or not. Once we know and understand this, we can utilize the power of this law and help create the life we are all wanting.

One must want something first. To know what it is you are wanting is the first step to getting what you want. If you don't know what you want, you will still get something...

If you are wanting good health, happiness, success you must learn to separate these ideals and be able to focus on exactly what it is you are looking for. Since you have the power to manifest exactly what it is you are getting in life, whether you know it or not, it is best to be very specific in what it is you are looking for in life. Letting life know what your desires and boundry's are helps life give you exactly what you want.

We will leave things here for today. More tomorrow.

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