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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The setting of standards

We have a huge set of double standards in our country. Some of which is far too political to get into without this blog turning into a pile of political banter, so I will try to keep in on topic...

If cars have to meet energy standards(ableit much too low) then why then don't power companies and their production plants? There are only a few states that have limits and standards limiting the amount of CO2 that they are allowed to spew. In California, a 2007 ruling has virtually excluded and new coal plant construction until clean-coal technology is presented and comes online. This is a great example of politics at work and could become exemplary to the nation, just as the auto emissions have done as well. A carbon emission standard set on the Federal level would be opposed by the corporations and power companies that depend on coal for power. However, these type of rules create a mandate that new technologies be invented and explored. This is a blessing for our economy in the long run as competition is a driving force for our capitalistic economy. It would spur large investment into new arenas thus changing the playing field as we know it today. This would be good as the field is getting old, stale, and unmanageable. The new investment could create new interest and technology for us to find better and much more palatable solutions for our future. It would set examples to the rest of the world that we are on the team with them to help create a better world by setting an example.

There are over 150 new coal powered plants set for construction in the upcoming decade so the momentum to the problem is there. Will we be able to wean ourselves away without change in our current policies or strategies? I think not.

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