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Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Curiosity Quotient

I've been thinking of the concept of boredom. How could we let ourselves reach a state of boredom? Is there not enough with life to intrigue us? Perhaps we need to let ourselves go. As I have stated previously that there is a saying I have, “Delete the need to understand.” You see, when one allows this, there is so much of life that can be lived in a moment. I also feel that if we allow ourselves to act as children throughout our lives, (to a certain level anyway) we would all benefit much from this. What I mean by this is that in having the need to understand means that there is much of the ego involved. If we can delete the need and replace this with a want to understand, I feel, we would be in a more open, educated and enlightened society.

A child goes to the market with their parent. While watching them pull vegetables from a bin and place them in a basket their knowledge is that this is where vegetable come from. Answered questions from the child will eventually release the appropriate information for this child. A parent is continually asked by their children questions. The child is much like a sponge simply soaking up information. So many of us have stopped asking, Why? There is a point in our lives as children, somewhere in the terrible two range, to which the repetitive word is, Why. There is no reason that this must stop. Why can we not reach for a doorknob, stop, and feel it in our hands, as if for the first time, as we turn it. As we take our steps in the crowded sidewalks of America could we slow and notice the sounds, sights, and smells of our surroundings? Are these simply now taken for granted? Where do we begin to slow this process? Is our world and all it has to offer not enough for us to which we reach a point of not asking questions anymore? Do we no longer notice the nuances of our senses as we live our lives in automatic? Has the automated system we have come to be a participant in taken our need for curiosity?

My wife is someone who continually asks questions. Sometimes I reach a point that I feel frustrated in her desire to know the answer to everything. But, I watch an learn. This comes from a place of curiosity, rather than ego. I also am the type of person who is wanting to learn. I consume information on nearly any topic. My father always used to say that I was a cespool of knowledge...hmmm...Thanks Pop! It is not that I want to be a know it all, however, I feel that what keeps us young and interested in life is the curiosity quotient.

When I look into the night sky I am humbled and amused at the same time. My curiosity of the vastness of space hits me. What else is out there? I know we are not alone. Where are those others from? And what have they seen or know that we don't? There is so much we don't know.

I recently reflected in through the eyes of a child as she walked, repeatedly by me while I waited for a flight in the airport. She would jump up and down as she moved forward trying to miss the cracks in the flooring. The look on her face was of curiosity and pure enjoyment. She seemed as though she was trying to figure out gravity. As most of adults don't truly know the nuances of gravity and its basic principles why can't we do individual study like this child? Oh, right, a straight jacket.

So many of us, as we become adults, get into our lives and patterns and forget that we don't know everything. We have no idea of so much, yet we fail to continue on the quest for information like we did as children. I ask you all to take time each day, five minutes at least, and reflect on your thoughts and feelings as if you were an innocent child. See what questions arise. See what new innocent ideas come from these new thoughts and questions. This is where the meat of life is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I have said before..Love is in the details. This simple quote reminds us to look at the all of the beauty out there; to notice what we so often take for granted; to see as if we are children. I like this article.
Maybe I ask so many questions because in my minds eye I am still only 12 - the age that I see myself at - Not sure this is good but it is what it is!
I ask you lots of questions because my dear husband, I think you know everything! But as I have said before, don't be frustrated if you don' curosity can be some what irritating. It is sometimes irritating to me that I ask so many questions and want to know so much...but again.."Love is in the details."