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Monday, September 15, 2008

His Audacity of hope...

I give huge cuddos to Obama for doing what he is doing and his audacity of hope. To the capacity of what he has done, and to the character to which he has represented within this campaign. The lies, deception, and mis/disinformation that the McCant people spew is a travesty to the American people, the office for which he is attempting to gain, and the system of politics in general. I am simply amazed at the responses we are hearing from people regarding this campaign. I mean really!...

There was a 27 year old woman in Nevada, that was watching McCant's VP choice speak at her first solo rally in Carson City in front of approximately 3500 people. She is an unemployed barista from Yerington, NV, who held a sign that read "Hunter Chicks 4 Palin" on one side, and "Sarah Killed My Apathy" with a drawing of a deer rifle and a target on the other. She had supported Mitt Romney in the primary, said that she cried the day of McCant's VP's acceptance speech. "I think that it's great that the American people finally have a candidate who they can relate to, with morals," said Tracy, who said the issues she cares the most about are pro-life and the right to bear arms.

I know for a fact that Obama supports the right to bear arms, he just doesn't support the right to bear an automatic weapon that spews hundreds of bullets in a minute time frame. This kind of gun is unnecessary for a citizen to possess. The Constitution that expresses the right to bear arms was written when there was no true military in America. As a militia of commoners was needed at the time, the right to bear arms was a necessity in order to have the minutemen available to protect our freedoms in the early days of our country. This was back in 1770's when the muskets used shot once and took nearly 30 seconds to reload. The right to bear arms should still be a right for Americans, but the need for the automatic weapons on our streets is unnecessary and creates street violence rather than protects citizens.

The Pro life issue is another label of banter brought to the public through the right wing Repugnicants to create public discourse to sway the people's mindset to the far right without using direct religious connotations. It simply allows someone besides the person in need to make a decision for them on their behalf. In a case of rape or incest, as an example, McCant's VP choice states that she feels that the fetus should be born and the right of the woman has no say. I don't see how someone is able to enter the home of a private citizen and have the legal right to tell them they cannot eat this or that food in the privacy of their home, or discuss this topic or that topic at the dinner table, as it is illegal. That you can enter some one's private residence and tell them that they can only do it missionary style and no fellatio, or cunnilingus as it is a "deplorable" act. To be able to make these private decisions as to how they should live their private life, without their involvement. As we all know that religious political lobbying is where those debatable thoughts are coming from, this is NO separation of church and state. Obama, believes in freedom of choice, thus allowing another person the freedom to choose given their circumstance at the time. If a woman has been raped or a child has been involved in incest and is now pregnant, there is no reason that the rapist should have more rights than the female. It was NOT her decision to be in this position. With little to no sex education in schools any longer, and the average family unit has (maybe) two working parents, with little to no time left to parent any longer, as we can see and hear from any American today, it cannot only be left to the family to educate the young on sex. It should also be a part of societal responsibility. These children are to become the future of this country and we are leaving them behind!! They need to be taught to make rational and educated decisions on all aspects of their lives so as to hold a personal debate on their own thoughts and issues in order to summon an individual response. McCant's running mate is the perfect example of her own failed policy on this issue as her underage daughter is pregnant due to the mother's lack of attention to the child in order to educate her in abstinence, to which is the policy that she pronounces to the public as the best policy for sex education. The base that the Repugnicants state that they want less government and the government to be out of the person's life is bullshit propaganda!

How about the retired Republican Marine Corps pilot and LAPD homicide detective reverently invoke the names of Gloria Steinem and Bella Abzug. But Bob Lee, 73, of Reno, praised the VP pick as "the epitome of everything that I used to see Gloria [Steinem] and Bella Abzug promoting -- American women can be all things." He noted, "Sarah didn't make it on the coattails of her husband. Hillary [Clinton] rode the coattails of Bill." I don't see it?! This fact that people are claiming that McCan't's VP choice is like Gloria Steinem or Bella Abzug is absurd. Those women fought hard for the individual rights of women. Those women were true mavericks of their time who paved the way for women to be individual and independent citizens with the same rights and freedom's that men have. Abzug became a Congresswoman stating that, "A woman's place is in the house, the house of representatives!" Her father owned the "Live and Let Live Meat Market". She supported gay rights, women's rights, minority rights...Gloria Steinem is the voice of the modern American woman and an American Woman's rights activist icon. She was a Playboy Bunny, a journalist, and a labor rights activist. I don't understand how someone is able to compare them to this woman VP choice for the Repugnicant party who wants to limit women's rights, ban books, does not support gays or minorities causes. I don't see the correlation.

How about this guy who was having breakfast Friday morning at the counter at Paul's Restaurant in Whitehall, OH. This is a blue-collar suburb of Columbus and he is a retired aircraft designer named Richard Beard. He stressed that he knew all that he needed to know to vote against Obama. "Anyone who won't salute the flag or say the Pledge of Allegiance isn't worth voting for. And Obama doesn't have an American birth certificate or one that you can believe. The one from Hawaii is a fake." An original Ron Paul supporter with an NRA cap, would have been an unlikely Democratic voter even if Obama had been born in Ohio State. Smitten with Palin, Beard said, "She doesn't throw in any of that doublespeak like other politicians." Really?! I guess he is on the bridge to nowhere...perhaps he is hoping to get a financial handout from her earmarked funds she received for the state of Alaska...I'm sure he has experience in the immigration department to validate his statement that Obama's birth certificate is a god, where do these people come from?! Perhaps he just doesn't want to admit he is a racist! Plain and simple. Let the elephant out so all can see!

This is my reasoning to state that there are many Americans that are blinded by rhetoric and are incapable to think rationally and are part of the lemming society. Sad...


Anonymous said...

cheers Boggzy but what no mention of cunnilingus along with that fellatio seems unequal ; )

Anonymous said...

cheers Boggzy but what no mention of cunnilingus along with that fellatio seems unequal ; )

Virginia Harris said...

A Real-Life Soap Opera About the Suffragettes

Gloria Steinem and Governor Palin are proof that women can and do diverge on important issues.

Even on the question of whether women should vote!

Most people are totally in the dark about HOW the suffragettes won votes for women, and what life was REALLY like for women before they did.

Suffragettes were opposed by many women who were what was known as 'anti.'

The most influential 'anti' lived in the White House. First Lady Edith Wilson was a Washington widow who married President Wilson in 1915, after the death of his pro-suffrage wife.

The First Lady's role in Wilson's decision to jail and torture Alice Paul and hundreds of other suffragettes will never be fully known, but she was outraged that these women picketed her husband's White House.

I'd like to share a women's history learning opportunity...

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Powerful suffragettes Alice Paul and Emmeline Pankhurst are featured, along with TWO gorgeous presidential mistresses, First Lady Edith Wilson, Edith Wharton, Isadora Duncan and Alice Roosevelt.

There are tons of heartache on the rocky road to the ballot box, but in the end, women WIN!

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