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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Can history finally teach us...

I have stated many, many times herein that for those that travel outside of the US, (Palin would NOT be one of them) know that the rest of world thinks that Americans are lemming idiots(McCant/Palin believe this to be true based on their continued lies and deception to win the White House). There is much of the time that I can tend to agree. I now can state, that based on the myriad of emails here that this rings so true.

Rome did fall, and history seems to teach us nothing, so perhaps it is America's time to dwindle. The flag waving right wingers will state that I am unpatriotic to say something like that, (although being a true patriot is challenging what our leaders are doing rather then simple saying...ok! Go ahead and fuck me some more...)but I would state back that you get what you vote for. And since America has voted like "stupid" lemmings we are in the mess we are in.

It's historically typical banter and style for the Repugnicants to lie, cheat and steal their way into office to which they fuck shit up during their tenure. Then the democrats come in with the need to raise taxes to save our country from the demise that a previous term(s) of Repugnicants have done. The people come to not see this as saving anything, then get irritated at the situation as soon as the Repugnicants begin again to lie, cheat and steal with mis/disinformation which eventually gets them back in to the White House to do the same shit all over again.

If more of our country learned to and actually read, people would begin to learn about history and the nations ills and why we are where we are at, and just why the rest of the world thinks so lowly of our people.

It is a sad Catch 22, and unless our educational system gets better funding and teachers to educate our decreasing graduating populace, we will continue the degrading of this great country to become the next Rome.

I do have optimism that Obama will rise and the people will wake up in time, in order to help turn a new page in this country's history. If this does not happen in the next 60 days, and our lemmings once again vote "stupid" and we inaugurate the McCant/Pain ticket I then feel that this country has had its last leg...We can see that, more or less of, the rest of the world is hoping that Obama come into office based on the many responses here, the showing in Germany, and more.

The current administration has been pondering their legacy in these last months as they begin to see their exit. What to put into their libraries and such. Maybe these guys just shouldn't have a library, since do to their FAILED "no child left behind" education plan, that has left more uneducated people to our society who can't read what will be in the library anyway...The fact that they should ponder is that they have plundered this country into the ground, continue to run it further into bankruptcy with the bank bailouts by the taxpayer monies, and left it to the dogs, without caring a bit and the world knows it. All the while smiling straight into our faces...Worse than that, the world know that we as an American populace watched it all happen, did nothing during the demise to stop their carnage. That is a shame!

As an American, I feel the urge to apologize to the world for the past 8 years. But, since the beginning of even the thought that Bush/Dick would be in office I have screamed as much as possible for that NOT to happen...but it did. The fact that it did, I apologize for that. Perhaps I didn't scream loud enough?!

At any rate, Obama will come in and begin to clean things up. Perhaps doing well enough for eight years. While we have a Democratic house and Senate we can really make some needed changes to help put not only this country back on a civilized track, but put us inline with the rest of the world to help turn the global community into a cohesive unit that can begin to make the needed changes that the world needs in order to survive. We are at a crucial moment in our planet history and if we do not heed the call not only will this modern Rome die, but it just might take this blue marble down with it...

Vote Obama/Biden for real change, not the fake change filled with lies, deceit, greed and oligarchy!

I guess I'm done for the day...

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