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Monday, March 17, 2008

Where oh where have our civil liberties gone?...

President Bush continues to try to breed fear into the American people on the dangers of a bad intelligence surveillance bill. He simply wants another blank check to expand his powers, take away more civil liberties, and continue the administrations use of no accountability to anyone for anything by making sure that corporations are not held accountable for any wiretapping that he ordered after 911. Bush continues to distort the truth and use his veto power to threaten the House as they try to create a more sound intelligence bill to move us into the future. It is quite simple that Mr. Bush simply wants to be able to read your emails or listen to your phone calls anytime he wants without a court being able to prevent it or the ability to judge the legality of his actions in any way.

The "cumbersome process" as he called the new House plan is actually a court that has acted rather quickly in actions previously and has refused not even a dozen previous wire taps in over 21,000 requests in its nearly 30 years of existence. The current law already allows the government to wiretap first and get a warrant after the fact. What he is really trying to accomplish in that there will be no need for companies to turn over information is not to protect the individual, but to make sure that the individual does not find out the full extent of damage that has been given to their civil liberties.

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