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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

8 more months to go...

It looks as though Bush has finally gone grocery shopping or something. With today's economic outlook by saying that there is trouble in the economy...Perhaps he is trying to open up dialogue with McCain regarding money and economics. As McCain has admitted that he doesn't know much about economics...Since Bush knows only how to spend it it might be time that he becomes aware that there even something called a budget. Perhaps it was an unknown to him all of this time. Maybe he thought that didn't pertain to him. Based on his history of putting companies into the ground, perhaps for his Presidential legacy he is thinking that it might not be the best idea to run the United States into bankruptcy. Perhaps he has decided to wake up and think of the future for once. He has two daughters who one day might feel the implications of his legacy. Maybe everything they touch will turn to shit too, and they might need to know how to work within a budget...I doubt that.

But most do have a budget, and they are getting smaller and smaller.

It's funny though. In other countries people make themselves known by going out and voicing their irritation to the system they have. With the changes in our civil liberties if we do that here in the U.S. anymore we will be called terrorist sympathizers and disappear or be put in Gtmo...Maybe that is why our people roll over and play dead anymore. It is for the fear of telling the truth and losing your life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Happiness is losing in this country anymore, along with liberty. Life is still around, but with our medical system going to shit we may find that that is going down as well.

There is a lot of work to do in this country to get things moving in the right direction. I feel we still have the capability to do the changes necessary for our country and the world.

8 more months to go...

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