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Thursday, March 6, 2008

In the days of old...

when knights were bold, and elections were not yet invented. They would sit in the round, then discuss what went down and later tell everyone what had happened. (This would be after there became a general consensus as to what they wanted everyone to know as to what had happened. How things never change.)

We have the opportunity to create a major change in our world with this upcoming elections. I have tried for so long to leave politics out of this blog, but there comes a time to step up and stand for what one believes in.

There are currently three major competitors for the position to be filled in the White House. This is a job search for the best possible person for the job of running the largest corporation in the world. We need someone who has a level head and is not hot under the collar, just in case some radical group has issues and pisses off the President. We need someone who is capable of handling the hours as the world and its timelines tend to keep the person up at all odd hours for years at a time. We need someone who is respected for their previous experience and can work across political party lines. We need someone who is capable of thinking outside the current situation so as to rectify some major political and economical issues at hand. We need someone who is confident in their economic policy ideas. We need someone who is capable of seeing the future.

Well, enough of that, this would put McCain out. He is 72 years old, making him the oldest elected President ever. At this time, most people are slowing down a bit. They can get tired more often, remember Reagan sleeping on camera? Someone with whom Bush supports certainly now has an uphill battle to face. That is unless God told him to back McCain...McCain has stated publicly that he is not that savvy in economic issues. He has stated that he is much in line with a more of the same approach...

This brings us to Clinton and Obama. Both of these people have the years and stamina to make this job. Both of them have shown their means of working across party lines and not disenfranchising themselves through outbursts and opinionated ideas over their tenures. Both of them have shown the public that their ideas have legs and come from a place of thinking outside the current conditions and finding means to rectify today's political situations. They have stated publicly that they have ideas on the economy and were not afraid to tackle them. They have shown through their Senate backgrounds of voting for healthcare issues are concerns and timely. Obama has shown us that he has never been for the Iraq war and continues to fight for the illegal and unjustified means that the current administration has handled things. Hillary has shown us, through her work in Senate committees that she can handle herself with major issues and deal with others outside of our borders in rational and open discussion forum ways and means. They both have shown their dedication and desire to come to the table representing the United States to come up with new ideas and actions to help stop global warming and carbon emissions.

We need change, we need a new outlook and party to think in real terms for real issues. We need someone who knows what the people are thinking and feeling in order to rationally think in real terms for solutions to everyday issues.

I am going out on a limb and presenting a scenario for today's ticket. If we have Clinton/Obama, I believe that this would help us move forward in to a new era of politics. Then in eight years, Obama will be in a perfect position to take on the role as head of state. If we could bring sixteen years of new ideas to the table with a democratic house and senate, we might be able to salvage all of the damage that has been done to us over the past 7 1/2 years. We need a major change, not only for us but in order to salvage the world and so many of its problems to which the world is searching for leadership and answers and have found NONE with our administration over the past 7 1/2 years. Our debt has grown to the stratosphere from a surplus when this administration took office. Our budgets continue to remain unbalanced. Our respect held by others in the world has vanished.

It is time for a major wake up call, at 3 AM to someone who can handle the job and cares about what they are doing to others.

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