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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Global warming responsibility

We are in a very delicate time for our planet. It has become a consensus of common knowledge that there is a global problem with CO2 emissions, and global warming. There are a variety of issues pertaining to this and not simply Big Oil. I do agree that Big Oil is a large player in this situation and must take responsibility for their part as well as their future part in this challenge. Although, we all must take individual responsibility for our own lives and how we use and abuse power and its waste. This problem we face, is a global problem. We, in the industrialized countries, must hold ourselves accountable before we continue to point to everyone else as the culprits, or to try to teach or tell the rising economies of China or India how to live. We each must help set an example for the world to learn by.

We must learn to live life differently and drive less, buy more local and organic farm products, plant trees through organizations to help offset our carbon footprints, drive more efficient and/or alternative fueled vehicles, build and remodel better and more efficient housing.

Housing is the largest end user global green house emitter. Between the building industry and the efficiency of housing we must keep in mind that with a growing planet population that continually needs more housing it is our responsibility to build and remodel housing to help eliminate the overall carbon footprint of the building industry on through to the home consumption and waste of energy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking for a condo which is sustainable. Any plans in the near future of building a small development here in the Oakland area?