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Friday, November 16, 2007

Dog Dogma for freedom!

Philosopher, Simone Weil said that,"the idea of the dignity of labor is the only idea we have not borrowed from the ancient Greeks. But it is from such an idea that we can begin again to construct a notion of the labor of being and of a new form of participation."

Is Being found in labor? Is participation found in labor? Perhaps this is a modern and more civilized process of mass manipulation. As our societies of today strive to be "free" and "democratic" in nature, we also find that over time in this new revolution our "freedom" is quietly taken away through the manipulation of the trust of economic intrinsic value. Our trust that our participation is working towards a better future or reality for us as a participant. As our elected officials help to evolve our global economic strategies we find that our measured quality of life is reduced over time creating a necessity of labor, rather than the desire of it, for participation. This necessity rather than desire helps to slowly dissolve the inherent dignity Weil refers to. There is no such thing as a free lunch! The fact that the Greeks held labor for the slaves and not as a desired wish of the commoner is no different today than it was then. Only today we are, much of the time, able to choose how we wish to spend our labor hours slaving for our participatory cause. We are still slaves to the economic system to which has devalued itself over time, thus devaluing our participation in our modern society. This is where the "haves and have yachts" comes into effect.

Caryl Johnson's most recent blog entry, found at Mind Body Politic stated that "it is only the sheer weight of the so-called masses that provides the countervailing force against the giddy spin of this occult transgression of the mental elites. Whether the masses will in time gain the ability to think, and I mean along the lines that I am suggesting – thinking accompanied with thanking and ‘thinging’ — a new whole and fully participated thinking – on that the future of the world depends."

Well said. It is the mis and dis-information on a mass global scale, from the have yachts, that has left a paralysis to our conscious selves. It seems that the masses have lost the belief in themselves, and placed it into the elites. These same elites that slowly erode our quality of life we all strive so diligently to create.

Ghandi marched with quiet cause to show the masses that the masses do have force without the use of force. Martin Luther King marched to show the masses that the masses do have mass without the use of force. It starts with a dream. We can show the world there is mass participation in the common thread of desire for, what Caryl says as thinking, thanking and 'thinging'. It is apparent today that what is needed is the true belief that it all begins with a dream. Have we collectively stopped dreaming? First we must imagine it for it to be able to begin. Our have yachts know this, and successfully attain this continually. Yet through the combined manipulation of the distribution of fear and mis and dis-information their strangle hold helps keep their dream intact.

We must all realize that this existence, our own individual existence, is a reality of a dream of unlimited possibilities. We must believe in this before it is to be for us as individual participants. By participation in our own personal development of thought, and not that of dogma and the structured masses of Sunday Mass, or the daily dogma of social mass through the press, etc. will we become free to be a true participant in this cosmic twist called life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think that we have. But many of the "yachts" like where they are because it is the elite place and because of greed, many do not want to share that space, so they are not the ones to inspire and uplift the masses to attain their level.
Where is our modern day Ghandi and King to inspire us and lead us? I think the masses, who are more followers than leaders need someone like this to step up, and lead instead of all of these "yes" people who leave little to be inspired by.