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Thursday, December 25, 2008

An Existential Christmas!

There is something to an existentialistic Christmas.

There is a beautiful, ornate, antiquity filled cathedral, originally built in the mid 1800's, on the top of Nob Hill in San Francisco named, Grace Cathedral. This grand structure holds Episcopal services daily, weekly, and holiday services that have over a thousand attend to a standing room only congregation. Their inlaid marble floor of the narthex section (seen above, from above) of the church has a labyrinth for all to do meditative walks throughout the year.

Last night, there was a Christmas eve service at midnight to which I attended. The congregation was packed more than I had seen in the varied years to which I attended past. Perhaps everyone is searching for something during this changing time as we meander through the labyrinth in our own lives.

The Very Rev. Alan Jones, Dean, attended to preach his last Christmas service, as he is retiring next month. To this news he received a long standing ovation for his service to the church and community over the years. I like to go to this specific service as I thoroughly enjoy the music at these and last night they pulled out all the stops with the Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys performing, along with a full orchestra. Beautiful...

They put on a good show there. With such ornate and wonderful, peaceful surroundings and artistic art and tapestries, the incredible music, the incense and so much more...

Mr. Jones began his sermon last night by saying, "For those of you who have stopped going to church, maybe go this night every year, or every other year, or perhaps haven't been in thirty years, this is a night for you."

(I will go on with this paraphrasing, but be close to his point throughout.)

"This whole Christmas thing with the baby, and the virgin, and the middle eastern politics of that's not real."

Okay, now you have my attention.

"What's real is the story. We need stories in our life. Stories to give us hope and insight. But, this guy Jesus, who came to save the world and was the son of God who came to save the's not real.

"How many of you believe in fairies?" There was medium applause. "How many of you here believe in miracles?" There was larger applause. "That's pathetic!" A round of laughter through the nave from the humbled congregation.

This guy still has my attention.

"We are all going through things right now. Serious things that we have never experienced and never thought the world would again. The world, at nearly every turn looks as though it is falling to pieces. Foreclosures, joblessness, global poverty, a global slavery crisis, Darfur, Congo, wars, global warming, battle of sexual rights and freedoms, political transitions, and so much more. That is what is real!

"But, is that your life?

"What you continue to dwell and perceive as your life, will be your life. Are you doing what you want? Have you created the life you want for yourself. Are you playing the victim due to all of this global mayhem? Do you feel paralyzed to the circumstances that the world has laid upon you?

"For you, tonight, I say that the Christmas story is not real, but it is a story to show you that there is a power out there, much larger than yourselves, that has made a day that can be recognized for us all to be reborn. To save 'our world' we make on a daily basis. To save 'the life' we create on a daily basis to live and interact in this world around us.

"What the Christmas story shows us is that anyone can overcome whatever life throws at them. When there is no place to sleep, to lay your head, to get out of the cold,; whether you are poor or rich, a societal outcast, an executive or a laborer, we can overcome the perceived reigns of the rulers of the world to create the world we want for ourselves despite what is happening everywhere.

"We have a chance to be reborn again. To make ourselves new, with new ideas and new visions of what it is we want to create for ourselves in 'our lives'.

"This is what Christmas is about. The fact that whether you perceive the story as truth or not you have already agreed here that you believe in miracles. You are a miracle. Through this vast universe you were created like none other. You were created to make your claim upon this universe. You were given a shot to make whatever you wish for your life. You were born and can be reborn, through this Christmas spirit, to begin anew.

"Christmas is a celebration of life. The miracle of you. The chance to make the life you are wishing for in this world of chaos. The life you make will be based upon how you perceive your world.

"Our world needs these new lives to breathe new vision into it. That is what Christmas is. To take this time and breathe new life into your life and bore from that breathe a new vision for you life to create that vision for yourself. To make your world, that part of the larger world, the world and life that you want and yearn for.

"Merry Christmas to you all. Congratulations on your new birth. Take your new life and make your world the kind of world you want to live. Make your universe your own individualist universe that was given on this day just for you."


"Merry Christmas to all!"

This, the 225th entry in bloggoland! Thanks for reading and coming back. I always enjoy the comments, emails and the banter!!

(c)Copyright 2008 Doug Boggs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I think you really needed to be there last night and I am glad that you went 'for you'. We all need to find things to give us hope and uplift us.

You are always a person that I count on for your optimism and I am happy that it is shining through in a time where you are questioning your life and purpose.

I know that what was spoken has sparked something in you that will create change and bring all that you want to you. You are an intelligent man and you make things happen. You will make it happen again.

Merry Christmas my sweet husband.