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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Modern Serfdom...

Will there ever come a day to which our complacent society here in the United States will stand up for all the rights to which we have had stripped away in these past seven years of rule. This corporate oligarchy system to which we have come to know and "love" is giving us a system of government to that of the days of serfdom. The top 1% or .5% that control 90% of the global wealth while attempting to brainwash the rest of the peeps that their life is great is getting tiresome.

But, we still sit back, read the corporate daily wipes filled with the same news from AP, UPI and other fixture organizations that pander to the elite and their ideas thinking that we are getting to the truth of the world. Perhaps to their truth to their world...

I have consistently been called a conspiracy theorist throughout my life. This usually comes from people who fit the above stated paragraph or others who refuse to open themselves to something beyond their comfort zone typically derived from a generational hand-me-down of truths and has nothing to do with any reality of today and our current world and circumstances.

I gave a lecture recently in the San Francisco Bay Area for an investment group on today's real estate market in TX and green building techniques. After the meeting concluded many of the participants adjourned to a restaurant for some appetizers and more conversation. I was having a good conversation discussing world politics with a French woman investor. A bay area investor chimed in on how unstable he thought the France real estate market was due to their most recent strikes and other protests that have taken place. (Just to note that the real estate market in France is doing quite well...)

This is such a prime example of my frustration that I have with so many people. Their lack of knowledge and lack of attempt to broaden their knowledge through NON mainstream news and views keeps them locked into a bubble of ignorance thinking that this is the end all truth since they read it in People, saw it on Fox news or heard it on Rush Limbaugh radio.

I implore people to educate themselves by reaching outside of their typical means of information gathering. If the system isn't working then we shouldn't think that if we do the same things, read the same information sources, watch the same networks that things will change? The people with means to travel and discuss global issues at sidewalk cafes throughout the world must take it upon themselves to do so and bring back these unedited conversations to their friends and relatives. They must do so with open mindedness so as to be open to change their thoughts if necessary once they find clarity and new truths that need to be explored.

Question authority! This is our main right as people to give ourselves the chance to make the world a better place. I recently came across a group of bikers at a gas station in TX. We broke into conversation regarding the "freedom of the ride" and I noticed a patch on one of the riders sleeves stating "I love my country and I question authority". How perfect was this Vietnam Veteran showing the truth to the freedom we have here in the United States that most people do not do and take for grated. Well, this freedom is slowly disappearing through our current administrations techniques of fear breeding and pandering to those who choose to believe what is consistently fed to them through the corporate news.

Although, I say this lightly to prove a point, perhaps there is no such thing as racism anymore in this country. It has disappeared and been replaced with Classism of the elites. Most people today now feel their pocketbooks being squelched due to the fact that despite inflation there has been no increase statistically to the average earner for over 20 years. The buying power is diminishing quickly. Yet, what is anyone doing about it? Do people write their congresspersons, or senators? Do people protest anymore? Do people voice their concerns in avenues like this or other blogs to show their support of these type of ideas? Or can they when they are trying to make it by working two or three jobs to make rent and groceries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Doug, yes this is all true and it makes me seethe w/anger. I did write to Arnie and CA senators re: school budgets, AS wrote back apologizing and explaining it all, the Dem senators inferred it was the repub's fault and write to him.
Have any suggestions where, who and how to focus the anger re: what you've outlined here.
I had a convo re: all this w/a few Aussie men at a local Happy Hour, their comment was 'you're pretty well informed for an American woman'. And then they said oh uh oops... didn't mean to say that, but they did. And most people just don't care enough until it hit home hard...ah well...