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Monday, May 26, 2008

Barack, it is time!

Barack has made such an example of leader through this trying primary season and would be a great President. Obama's historical position would help solidify a huge part of a broken Amerika. It would raise discussions that our country has failed to make or follow through with. His LACK of experience might be just what our country
needs. Sometimes knowing all of the rules can stifle creativity and growth...

If we can get a democrat and keep the houses blue for at least one full term or six more years our country has a chance to turn itself around a bit. The reds and their factions have turned this country so far back...

As a country that should be setting global examples of how to create a great society, at this point globally, we have failed our students. We need to wake up and realize that the government is a reflection of our society and what we do there, and accomplish there has a direct correlation to us as a whole. When the government is in deep debt due to a war or the like, we find that the citizens are not saving and being told to spend and they also go further into debt as well. With spending and foreclosures at astronomical highs it is a wakeup call. Our retiring community, in
the latter part of the boomer generation, little to hold on with as far as retirement or planning. It is NOT the government's responsibility to make sure all is ok for everyone when they retire, but helping people with their lives is. A government is to set examples of how our society is to live and govern itself. Yet, so many of our politicians are greedy, selfish, criminal, murdering, philandering, self centrist, egomaniacs it is difficult to change it from the inside out. When we have 0 accountability at the top, this is one of the key points that needs change. Bush and his crew should be sent to prison for what they have done in countries around the world, and for the lies and conspiracies they promulgated to their own people.

When we openly and globally discuss fairness and equality and we are awaken to the sites of Abu Grab, Guantanamo Bay and the Vet hospitals, etc. we find that talking through ones ass is an accepted practice and it is okay to do so. This does not set good examples for our society and its children. Nor does is set a good example for the world to trust us and work together to make this small planet a whole system that can work together for the betterment of the human species and our environment.

Barack would be a great wake up call and I feel his energy would make for a new America. Obama is willing and creative enough to take the risks necessary to turn
this country into a new direction and make the negators of those ideals accountable.

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