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Saturday, February 14, 2009 does it again! does it again. This mover and shaker for us all has recently been awarded by the NAACP for Outstanding Male Artist, Outstanding Music Video- "Yes We Can", and Outstanding Song- "Yes We Can". He has just written an OpEd in the Huffington Post that I enjoyed and thought that I would pass it on.

I wrote back on Sept. 27th, 2008, of a poem that put out. It is as good today as it was then! I am also including his "Yes We Can" award winning video and song. I urge your eyes and heart to listen to its message.

He discusses today in the Huff Post that we have reached a milestone with Obama in the Oval Office, yet we all know that there is much more work to be done. With a black man in the White House have we reached the point of equality for all? There is no room to say yes!

As the NAACP is for the advancement of colored people, there are many other colors around the world that yet need help.

There is a primary color called GREEN. Whether this is the color of the inequality of money and the ills of global capitalism to the worlds poor, or whether it is the color of the moniker to save the world from global warming it means that there is much work yet to be done. If we can work toward the eradication of greed, corporatocracy, and social elitism we will find a world and its people that are filled with the colors of the rainbow. As the total global population of whites is only about 10%, it is time for the ego of the rich white man to make room for a myriad of others who's colorful minds and personalities are ready to step into creating a new world with a new vision.

Keep in mind, as some may feel their ego's rise through their racism, classism, sexism, elitism, socialism, communism, capitalism and any other isms that create the walls between us all, that white is the absence of color while black holds all colors.

Send the world a Valentine today by vowing to stop purchasing bottled water and purchase a water filter and reusable thermos! has found a very effective and powerful voice through the medium of music, words, video, live performance and technology. His new video is entitled "Take Our Planet Back!" Watch this one...!

This, the 254th entry in bloggoland! Thanks for reading and coming back. I always enjoy the comments, emails and the banter!!

(c)Copyright 2009 Doug Boggs

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