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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Democratic Experiment!

This election isn't about black or white (although, there have been some right wing pundits who have suggested just that, but that seems a bit elementary in its deduction), female or male, rich or poor. This election is solely about the future of the unknown. This election is about a country that is changing and how quickly it is changing. About a world that is transforming and looking for a country to lead it through the next phase. A country that is passing its puberty section and into its teen years. This country, this democratic experiment is on the verge of adulthood in its philosophy. It has gone through serious growing pains and is now going into a time of pre-adult experimentation.

This experimentation is necessary and desired by all people. Although they may not wish to admit it, but when people seeing the world is collapsing all around, one cannot think that the old style of politics, social policies and economics can net one different results if things are being handled the same. The world is changing rapidly, and we must all change to find new ways of working within this brave new world. That is not easy for most people to handle. It is scary to venture off into the unknown. But, it is necessary to venture off into the unknown in order to create the dynamic changes needed to grow into the world we are becoming.

What we are experiencing is a time, not much different than that of the sixties. However, due to technology we have seen this political process, war, and social changes take its positive and negative positions substantially different than back in the 1960's. The hippies are now grandparents and their ideologies have filtered into the minds and desires of their children who have new rules and tools with which to create the world they desire and wish to hand down.

The United States is a middle to right wing political base in general. Therefore, to have either a woman candidate, and an African-American candidate shows the major strides that have taken place over the past few decades. Geraldine Ferraro, back in the 1984 campaign, made quite the stir to be the first Vice Presidential candidate that was not a white male. Since this time, we have seen our first African-American Governor(Wilder), Secretary of State(Powell), and most recent the country's first females Secretary of State(Albright and Rice), and Speaker of the House(Pelosi).

We are, as a nation, more populated in the urban areas of the country. Urban area populations tend to have more higher education. Our agrarian background and rural history has tipped and it is showing in the demographic and social acceptance of the populace.

Based on the past eight years of dictato...I mean, Bush administration, in the White House, I couldn't see how any Republican would have been able to win this upcoming election, anyway. They had quite a party history of political failure, war mongering, domestic policy neglect, and debt accumulation to overcome throughout the campaign process.

With that said, I feel that this is not only a historical step for this country, but for the world at large. This election will be exemplary to the rest of the world of the changes that all have been hoping to see in this country for a long time. The hope to show the rest of the world that this democratic experiment takes different paths, but the people's path will prevail. That the rules of this experiment, albeit are sometimes (most times) slow in process, but the end result is still on path in design. It was only in the past four decades that we have seen the minority base find its way through this white male dominated system and to reach the most powerful position in the world, is a major milestone. " which, all men are created equal" just takes time.

What we will see is that the children today will have,(hopefully) at least, an eight year span to which their example of the world's most powerful position is an African-American. This new generation of children will see on the television, newspapers, magazines, and internet, on a daily basis the Obama children getting in and out of Air Force One, or the President's helicopter, or walking around the White House lawn and become a symbol of what is achievable in America today. The first family will become a beacon to the rest of the world of the change and possibilities that this grand experiment are capable of. The world will see these same images and know the strides that the people of America have overcome to reach this point.

This election holds the power to transform the youth of our country. They will see that an African-American child, raised by a single mother, is able to reach to one of the most respected colleges in the world and rise to the top of their class. The minority inner city children will see that rap music, or athletic ability are not the only out for them for their future.

This is the great Democratic Experiment at its best. We will see it shine on November 4th, 2008. We will see a new generation of thought and policy take hold with a people that want it, but have no idea how to get there. We will see a leader who has the capacity to take people where they want to go because he is a leader who sees no walls or barriers to get there, simply different paths and different approaches. We will see that there is nothing to fear but the fear itself while we continue the great democratic experiment.

(c)Copyright 2008 Doug Boggs

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