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Monday, April 21, 2008

Campaign finance reform!

Barack Obama is leading his own campaign finance reform policy. He is doing so quietly and effectively by reaching out to the people. He has pulled in the most campaign contributions to date for the current presidential run of to the tune of about $234M. He has done this with 72% of his contributors giving less than $4,500. He has the largest percentage of contributors, that being 40%, giving under $200. Those giving over $200 - $2,300 is a staggering 32%.

The difference here is that Obama is finding most of his money through grass roots giving. The more corporate and business giving donations are going to Clinton and McCain. Clinton leads this pack with a total of $188M received of which 75% of her donations received come from gifts over $2,300. McCain runs a close second with over $76M raised of which 57% of gifts over $2,300. Although, one must also take into consideration the amount of money that McCain is receiving through the direct work of Mr. Bush and the republican party.

There is something very interesting in these numbers. That being that the average person, of which Barack Obama has received the most votes in the general election primaries and is receiving the most money from the average American. This tells us that America wants Obama, and corporate America is looking to Clinton or McCain.

Perhaps it is time that America gets what it is asking for! The days of Supreme Court lawsuits to choose our candidate or hanging chads and such should be over and let's just look at the hard numbers.

This is campaign finance reform at its far.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Doug, I think I blogged about this once, a volunteer thing I do has several young black women on staff, they all answer Barack Obama's weekly mass e-mail campaign and give about $10-15/wk. This is an amazing grass roots campaign. I hope he can take on/out grandpa McC! Ciao, Zen Lill