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Friday, February 1, 2008

Is, is...

As we all know, the average person remains average and is so, by definition, due to the fact that the average person does not think, feel or do the necessary tasks in order to become above average. There is nothing wrong with this, unless you are that average person who does not wish to be average any longer. In order to become above, or rather not average, one must think, feel, and act in ways the average person does not. Seems simple enough. Do not over think this. It is...

I use the word average, but this is simply a median to anything in life. Average, by definition is a single value (as a mean, mode, or median) that summarizes or represents the general significance of a set of unequal values. In our world of qualification and quantification, nearly anything, even people, their views, values, worth, education, position, etc. are measured to create an average. This average is then used to calculate needs and responses to our general populace as a society to be used by others for reference, financial distribution, and more. What you will receive out of our society is in direct relation to where that calculation of average lies in relation to where you are in reference to that calculation. This does not, however, mean that you are fixed in this position and need to accept the results of this calculation. This calculation is in constant flux based on the fact that your thoughts help direct your own relation to the outcome of the result of the calculation. By the fact that you have thought, you can change your position within the calculation of what that average sum reflects.

It is the statement, "whether you think you can or can not, you are correct." Anything, and everything, begins with a thought. To be average, one must think and feel themselves to be average. It really is this simple. When one agrees that they are average or have attained a level to which they feel that they cannot go, or do not deserve to go further, this will be so. This could be with money, status, relationships, or anything. The reason successful people become successful is that they think they can be, feel that they deserve it and expect it, and take steps to acquiring their desired success.

Education, class, status, income, race, sex, etc. are not inclusive to the reason of one's plight. They do set a point of demarcation from which we can measure one's own growth, however, they are not reasons to mark the end result of one's growth to success. This success would be to whatever it is one wishes to be successful in. As a society we have become accustomed to using this as a reason for lack of success, but this is not possible. If you think you are or are not you are correct.

If you think you can accomplish or acquire something, it is possible. If you feel you can accomplish or acquire something, you can. If you expect to accomplish or acquire something, you will have it. You must first think you can have or do something in order to put the process in action. When you think you can have something, you must then feel it. When you think about something hard enough, and if you continue to think about that while feeling you deserve it, your body will begin to make adjustments to the fact that you can attain it. As your body becomes adjusted to the fact that you think and feel that you deserve something, the universe will begin to create means for you to get it. When you expect it while continuously thinking about it, and feeling like you deserve it, it will show up in your life. It is at this time that you must act on it and react to it and own it. Many people have and do what it takes in order to acquire something, however, when that something is placed directly in front of them they do not take it, own it, act on it.

The funny thing about this is that whether you believe in this or not, it works. Remember, whether you think you can or cannot, you are correct.

When I first lay eyes on my wife, I was at a very large Halloween gathering in San Francisco. I was with one of the numerous bands that was scheduled to play that evening in front of 15,000 people or so. My friend and I went for a walk through the crowds of people before going on stage when we came upon a couple of girls. There she was. As we stood nearly 20 feet away from these two women, I stated to my friend, "See that girl over there? I am going to marry her!" I fixed this in my mind, and felt it in the core of my being, that this was going to occur. I had not even met her yet, but I knew. I decided then that it was so. After about five years from that night we would be married.

I always say, "Be careful of what you ask for, as you will get it." This is to say that you must be very definitive in your requests of what you want out of life. As you ask the universe, or pray to your God, or whatever it is you wish to define this action, you need to be very specific in what it is you are wishing to acquire. Whatever the true feelings behind the goal, prayer or request is will be.

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