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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

WE the people...

WE are all different, with a common bond, yet with different views. WE entrust our feelings to the people who WE have voted. WE entrust them to ensure those feelings are carried out. WE have been dissed, schemed, ignored, and are no longer satisfied with more lies, deceit, mis/disinformation, and bureaucratic grandstanding.

WE demand answers and WE demand accountability.

WE have recently shown in these past few days that WE demand to be represented and to be provided inclusion and reciprocity to the people who ALLOW this country to thrive.

I believe, like many that the man to lead this revolution of Government is Barack Hussein Obama. He has not lead a priveledged life like the Repugnicants want you to believe. He was raised mainly by his white mother and grandparents (as if it should even make a difference). He has superlative skills, profound knowledge, and unparalleled demeaner and spirituality. These are qualities that only come around a few times in our lives. WE have witnessed throughout history, how peoples lives have been touched, by people like himself.

WE owe this to the people who have fought against the British to govern themselves from tyranny. WE owe the people who stood together against slavery, and fought for abolishment. WE owe the people who stood against racial inequality, in spite of lynching, water hoses, police brutality, imprisonment, and bigotry. WE owe the soldiers and those fallen, in an unjust war, proud, determined, in spite of their personal views for the love and pride of our country.

WE explain to the rest of the world that it is not one person who defines our country.

WE stand together to question the motives behind a Bailout. WE question it, WE question them and ask why that comes so easy, when the children in the inner cities have no health care, and their parents with no high school diploma, where vagrancy and drugs are prevalent. In our country there is a race of people are still unjustly jailed at a rate that fills 67% of prisons, but make only 13% of the population. Our schools can not produce graduates who are proficient with the basic skills to carry them to be successful in college, and a socioeconomic system that has its black youth grow up to think that their only way out is through selling drugs, or becoming an athlete or rapper.

Where is the money to fix these problems that plague our nation and cause division, and disdain amongst its citizens. why is this such a easy thing to come up with to bail out the few, priviledged, people who's irresponsibility has cause this great peril, when people cringe at the prospect of reparations? Yet, so willing to shell out millions and billions to foreign countries to help them through 'crisis'.

This country was built on the back of its very citizens and our society, our elected officials, our representatives has turned its back on US.

WE owe it to us, WE the people to reconcile, and move forward to make this country, the best in the world. The country that the world can look up to for guidance into the future. For if not for you and I, then for our children, and grandchildren.

It is time for CHANGE!


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