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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Republican Whistle Blower...

"alles, das notwendig ist" is German for "All that is necessary".

I am including a serious response from a blog to which I read regularly. It is widely known on this blog of this high powered, whistle blowing, RNC insider who has "seen the light". He has spewed much about many things, and it has all transpired, to which he has subsequently enlightened hundreds of thousands and hopefully more in this country and around the globe. I feel that this should be repeated to all who read here in hopes to "spread the word"! Based on the history of mankind, and the fact that his statements have been routinely correct, this is not something that is baseless and should be discarded.

It should be noted that OTW means "other than whites"
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Whistle Blower:
I hope you are well staffed. I know for a fact that the RNC has for years had at the state level an expertly prepared organization whose single job is to prevent, suppress, or steal the vote of the opposition. These state organizations are maintained and funded by the state tax payer. Many of the employees of this organization have unofficial jobs in the system. They are often referred by the RNC as the State Gestapo. The branch within the SS that is assigned the task of dealing with the OTWs attempt at voiting is the KKK faction.

The KKK faction are hard nosed “anything deemed necessary” group. They get that motto from the State Gstapo. Their motto is “alles, das notwendig ist.”

These organizations are made up of some of the most intelligent white people in those states. The leaders have been educated in some of America’s most prestigious schools. They are rabid when it comes to white supremacy. Murder, mayhem. anything necessary has been done over the past two hundred years to keep that white supremacy.

The secret membership has been passed on through southern and other white families for hundreds of years. It provides jobs for the unskilled white person and insures that they get employment over their fellow american competitors for the same job. You would be surprised what those unskilled whites will do for those privileges.

We at the top of the RNC could care less about those white minions we use to maintain control of the country. But we do need them to do our dirty work. So we stoke them with red meat to keep them willing to do anything to preserve white supremacy.

It will take laws at the federal level that will be enforced to deal with this problem. These organizations are well entrenched in 42 of the 50 states. It is not by accident that whites have maintained total control of all the financial wealth in the country.

It has long been an operating principle that black males be given jail sentences whenever possible to disenfranchise the black vote. A cursory check state by state will show laws that are designed to impact the black population disproportionally to the white population.

The same cursory inspection of all the sentences handed out by state court judges will show an incredibly disproportionate sentencing of black males to jail and prison for the same or lessor offenses than whites. When sentenced, blacks are given many more years in prison and almost no chance of a parole. Any state by state investigation would conclude that the consistency by which this occurs state by state could not be coincidental.

The President of the United States will be privy to this information. Obama will learn that all the previous US presidents were privy to the information but did nothing to change or challenge this white conspiracy against the rest of America’s citizens. They have kept this secret even though they knew that white America as a whole, like their OTW citizens, would be appalled to learn of the SS organization. Bush’s parting gift to the SS organization was his issuance of a fiat granting entry into the USA by european (white) visitors. This was done to entice migration to the US by more whites and to stem the influx of OTWs, and the browning of America.

Immigration laws are used as a veiled attempt to stem the browning of America. Immigration is seldom used when illegal whites are confronted. The US is inundated with organized white criminal gangs. These gangs bring the espionage skills of the various now defunct KGB and similar spy agencies with them. They hate America and all it stands for. They are here to use our system that favors the color of their skin and their spy skills to enrich themselves at the expense of America’s security and interests.

They practice murder for hire, drugs, sex slavery, weapon sales, and espionage technology. They have been responsible for the transference of all types of weapons and technology to the enemies of the US. Yet, they are tolerated over the american OTW citizen because of their color. It is insane but true. Color is a serious disease in the SS organization and all the minions are afflicted with it. They will sacrifice government, children and god to it.

For this reason I don’t believe it will be possible for to prevent the states from manipulating the votes to prevent the election of Obama. She will be dealing with a formidable organization of tens of millions of diseased minions.

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This should be a wake up call for all in the United States. We have come too far for this election to be set to the wayside by the extreme right factions who wish to keep themselves blinded to the future promise of what this country has aspired to be and has reached the point of no return as shown by the public demand of change!

Make sure your keep your eyes and ears open on Nov. 4! Good luck, and cover your vote as well as your ass!

(c)Copyright 2008 Doug Boggs

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