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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Open the Window

There is nearly 25 tons of CO2 emissions that come from every American home each year. We have included a few ideas that could be accomplished in just a few weekends that will change your home and your life, today.

How about opening the window rather than turning on the AC. Make sure your doors and windows are sealed with weatherstipping and caulked. If your Water Heater has no insulating blanket around it we suggest you add one. It is very easy to do, and anyone can accomplish this task. You can also turn the thermostat on the WH down after this task saving more energy. Better yet, install an On Demand WH, or known as a Tankless WH to save on water and energy consumption. How about washing your clothes at night time in warm or cold water. Add in a natural Oxy powder to the laundry rather than bleach so your water works harder to get your clothes clean more naturally. If you adjust your thermostat only two degrees higher in the summer and two degrees lower in the winter will save on your energy bills as well as your CO2 level. Make sure your walls and ceilings are insulated. You can also install a Thermal insulating blanket in the attic which will repel the suns thermal energy that heats your home in the summer time. We also suggest installing a HEPA filter on your air return vent, and clean your air ducts. This will help keep your interior air cleaner and take out dust, pet dander, and other air particulates. You will feel better after this action, especially if you have anyone with allergies in the home.

These little things will make your home much more comfortable immediately and create a solid impact on your CO2 levels your home emits. You will find it to be a noticeable change in your living environment.

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