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Friday, February 6, 2009

The Insanity of Hannity

Forgive me, readers, it has been a little while since my last...Oh, wow, that almost seemed like a confession booth statement. Government and religion don't mix.

We need to remember about the separation of church and state...

I thought that I would try to broaden my horizons, this past week. I did so by attempting to watch FOX Noize...I mean, FOX News. I was dumbfounded by the lies and deception they continue to spew. I don't know why I was astonished, as I have caught glimpses of the network before. I watched in order to try to hear "the other side" and what ideas they might have on some of the political issues at hand.

I watched Sean Hannity spew nothing for nearly an hour. I watched Bill O'Riley, once again, show the world that he really is an idiot. I watched Karl Rove attempt to educated his followers...all three of them...

It seemed that Sean Hannity was spouting that the democrats have created a platform of fear. He stated that they were trying to push the economic stimulus package through by stating that if things don't get signed and moving forward the economy will continue to go into the abyss.

Uh...yeah! The abyss created by the lies and deceit of the fear breeding, do nothing, no accountability administration of the past eight years. Cheney came on and spread the misinformation that this administration needs to continue to handle the war on terror with the same aggression that the Bush team did or they will fail. What he was really trying to say was that he hoped that the Obama administration would do the same things that the Bush administration did so that when Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush go to court for their crimes against humanity they will have this new administration doing what they did so they could have a means of defense. It is the same kind of bullshit that they tried to give us on inauguration day by having us feel sorry for Cheney since he was in a wheel chair because he hurt himself moving a box. This is a racist, sexist, man, a multi-multi-millionaire who has had numerous heart operations, with a pace maker trying to tell the public that he picked up a heavy enough to get hurt? That he is just like us...? Right...

The Repugnicants, who orchestrated a blank check attempt at the first bailout to the corporations with NO accountability are attempting to act to the American people that they care for their well being and the amount of money that is necessary to be distributed through an economic stimulus package. FOX is telling its viewers that the fear mongering democrats are trying to posit that the world will collapse if this money gets tied up in legislation.

Hey, news flash, the hundreds of BILLIONS of money that the Repugs have pulled out of the taxpayers pockets thus far has done NOTHING!!!! The world has collapsed!! This was pissed away very quickly when the repugs, in Sept./Oct., ordered the money to be released ASAP in order to "shore up the economy". Their faithful at the corporations have kept it all. So, much for the taxpayer...But, now, the Repugs care about the taxpayer's well being.

I find it unbelievable that people buy the messages of O'Riley and Hannity. It is time that we remember a few things. It is the public's job to read between the nonsense. To recall the failed policies of 8 years. Nothing major, just, the fall of the global economy on Bush's watch. The fall of the faith in truth and oversight in government on Bush's watch. The fall of the separation of church and state on Bush's watch. The fall of the global trust as a well meaning nation on Bush's watch. The lies and distortions in order to invade a sovereign country and murder hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians on Bush's watch.

Speaking of the separation of church and state, have you heard about the new administrations government program being created for faith based initiatives? Yeah, it is being put together and touted that this government program will have an oversight committee to make sure that it maintains its separation of church and state. Uh...but...nevermind.

This, the 248th entry in bloggoland! Thanks for reading and coming back. I always enjoy the comments, emails and the banter!!

(c)Copyright 2009 Doug Boggs

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